Archive for January, 2011

Hardest Five

January 28, 2011

It has been exactly five weeks since I have been consistently exercising and watching what I eat.  I have learned a FEW things.

Exercise is hard.  Then, just when it gets easier there are new challenges to keep it interesting.  It feels REALLY great afterwards.  There isn’t anything like the happy I feel after a good workout.

The scale doesn’t really represent what positive changes are happening in my body.  It can be all over the map.  Up four lbs. one day, down 3.6 lbs. the next.  The key seems to be consistency to exercise and awareness of the food I eat.  Not letting the variances of the weight of my body trip me up and sabotoge  my success in health and happiness.  That said, I am really, truly proud of the FIVE pounds of extra mass that has exited my life.  I don’t need it and I never, ever want to see it again.  It’s just the beginning.

So three cheers for still doing it and appreciating the small changes that are happening on the scale and the huge changes that are happening mentally and spiritually.  Hip, hip, hooray!

New Year: Less Stress, Savor More

January 7, 2011

This year hardly started with a loud bang.  Mike and I both had a cold.  Despite feeling less than optimal, I did start the year with a couple of traditional changes.  Eat less, exercise more.  Thankfully, I have had some angels that are making the journey seem simple and almost painless.

My friend, Linda, has consistently exercised with Rocky for years.  The commitment and effort she puts in really pays off.  With a bit of encouragement and hand-holding I am making progress towards a slimmer, healthier me.  In addition to the cardio-muscle building routine I am now a conscious eater, tracking each and everything I put into my mouth.  Weight Watchers is something I never thought I would do.  I am not a dieter.  I now realize that I can easily eat 4 times the amount of food I need and have no awareness of what I am doing.  I am savoring my bites of food now.  I am truly hungry when I eat.  Not just bored or anxious.

Other goals for the year:  simplify, organize, create and savor the beauty and love that surround me.

Thanks to everyone who helps me through life.  Your impact does not go unnoticed.